Our Ministries

Learn more about all of the ministries that are here to help you and your family to follow Jesus. There is something here for everyone!

BAC Kids

Sunday Mornings

Nursery: Childcare is available during the 10a worship gathering for kids birth – 3yrs old. There is a team of caring adults ready to serve your kiddos! Check in is located at the nursery doors in the church lobby. 

Older Kids: At Bethany Alliance, we value families worshipping together. Kids of all ages are welcome to join the worship gathering. There are busy bags available that relate to the message that Sunday. 

Wednesday Nights

BACkyard Explorers: Every Wednesday during the school year, kids gather at Bethany Alliance Church to explore God’s word and build friendships with one another!

BACkyard explorers is for kiddos Pre-K to 5th Grade. 

Wednesdays 6:30p-7:30p

BAC Youth

Wednesday Nights

BAC Youth exists so that students are introduced to a Savior who loves them, leaders who care about them, and to find a community to belong to. In short, we want our students to be loved!

BAC Youth is for Students in Grades 6th-12th. We meet on Wednesdays during the School year at The Center, 807 S Main St. Charles City Iowa, 50616 from 6:30-8:00 pm. 

To register simply click the link below!